1990 |
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1934 Atlas Tire Truck In the 1930's, Chevron, through
Atlas Supply Company, was the first to bring tires and batteries to customers through its
gasoline and filling stations.
For Sale - mint/no package $45.00 |
1934 Zerolene Van In the 1920's and '30's Zerolene set the standard
in motor oil for West Coast Motorists. |
1934 Red Crown Tanker In the 1920's and '30's Red
Crown provided the West Coast with quality, no-knock gasoline and the most advanced
aircraft fuel of the day.
For Sale - mint/no package $25.00 |
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1939 Chevy RPM Pickup These versatile pick-ups helped
Chevron deliver its high-quality motor oils and other petroleum products to customers
throughout its marketing area.
For Sale - mint/no package $12.00 |
1920 Model T Red Crown Tanker Red Crown, one of the most
popular gasolines in the '20's, was often distributed in this forerunner of the modern-day
tank truck. |
Dennis Refinery Fire Truck |
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1936 Packard Standard Announcer Car Standard Oil Announcer-Cars
became a familiar sight in California at major events. Crowds visiting the U.S.S.
Constitution in Los Angeles, the opening of Yosemite - Wawona Tunnel and Red Bluff Rodeo
were all greeted by announcements from Standard Oil Cars.
For Sale - mint/no package $5.00 |
1933 Atlas Tire Truck Atlas tire trucks became a
familiar sight on Southern streets in 1931 when Standard Oil introduced a full line of
tires, batteries and accessories to be sold at service stations.
For Sale - mint/no package $6.00
mint-in-box $12.00 |
1900 Polarine Horse Drawn Truck In the arly 1900's, horse drawn
wagons were used to deliver kerosene and other Standard Oil products to grocery and
hardware stores.
For Sale - mint-in-box $10.00 |
Display Case 
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1927 Red Crown Tanker The Spirit of St. Louis was
fueled by this type of Standard Oil Truck for Charles Lindbergh's historic flight to
Paris, May 21, 1927. Lindbergh preferred Standard gasoline as he found it would give
him, "a little more range for the gallon".
For Sale - mint in box $7.00 |
Zerolene 1911 Chain Drive Tanker Standard Oil purchased the
South's first tank truck in 1911. It was built in Kentucky and featured a riveted
tank and attached bucket box for measuring cans.
For Sale - mint in box $6.00
very good/no package $3.00 |
Chevron 1936 Farm Delivery Truck In the 1930's fueling farm
equipment became big business. Delivery of fuel and lubricants with this modern
equipment enabled farmers to keep operating costs low.
For Sale - mint in box $6.00
mint/no package $4.00 |
1994 |
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1937 Aviation Fuel Semi Truck & Trailer Standard Oil's aviation market
grew by leaps and bounds in the 1930's. Tank trucks such as this one made deliveries
in Dinner Key, FL of aviation fuel to Pan American Clipper Airliners flying to South
America and around the world.
For Sale - mint in box $14.00 |
1902 Horse Drawn Stove Oil Tank Wagon In the early years of the
automobile, Standard Oil was a pioneer in the delivery of gasoline, kerosene and
lubricants to "filling stations" in these horse drawn wagons. In 1914
there were still 794 harness vehicles in use throughout Standard's field, principally in
rural territory.
For Sale - mint in box $13.00 |
1935 Streamline Gas Tanker This streamline tank truck was
considered to be the most attractive and efficent to be seen on any highway. Beneath
its pleasing outline are compartments that carry 1,600 gallons of fuel. The cab
interior was as comfortable as any car of the time. With introduction it became the
mainstay of the West Coast and Standard Oil Company's British Columbia fleet.
For Sale - mint in box $14.00 |
1995 |
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1927 Ford Model T Pearl Oil Van Pearl Oil was especially clean
burning kerosene for oil heaters, cook stoves and lamps, and the van proudly displayed the
newly incorporated name, Standard Oil Co. or California. |
1939 Ford Roof Coating Flat Bed In the 1930's and '40's
asphalt-type roof coatings were distributed to retailers in 5 gallon pails in large
quantities using specially designed flat bed trucks. |
1937 Six Wheel Refined Oil Truck As service station volumes
increased, larger capacity tankers such as this six wheeler were utilized to make
deliveries from the mid 1930's through the late 1940's. The updated winged
"V" Chevron logo was introduced in the Fall of 1946. |
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1941 4-Wheel Exploration Van Exploration teams went to the
farthest most difficult areas of the world in equipment such as this 4-wheel drive van.
This heavy duty truck carried geologists and seismic equipment on their search for
new fields through areas impassible to regular vehicle equipment. |
1936 Ladder and Pump Truck Designed for power, speed and
versatility, this 1936 Pump Truck stood by to combat any emergency on the refinery grounds
with superbly trained crews ready to roll. |
1932 Atlas Service Vehicle In the early 1930's Standard
and dealers started buying service trucks and offered road service to motorists in
distress. Replacing the rumble seat with a small bed gave extra carrying capacity to
this model. It was also very effectively used as a "company car" for
Standard Oil sales personnel. |
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GMC Tanker Delivery |
Mobile Crane |
Cargo Truck |
1998 |
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1930 Model A Refinery Bus In the early years as public
transportation was not directly available to Richmond Refinery, Standard provided a
shuttle service from the public line to the refinery as an accommodation to the many
refinery workers in the models similar to this 10-passenger bus. |
1935 Ford V-8 Semi Truck and Trailer The movement of drums and cases
filled with various petroleum products required a heavy duty truck and trailer with a
flexible loading and unloading capability. Therefore the development of the
"stake" bed for easy access to various Product locations. |
1939 Chevrolet Panel Van The Atlas Panel Van was
developed as a sales and instructional tool for Atlas Supply Co. Designed to visit
various Standard sales offices and dealers, it brought the latest in tire, battery and
accessory product information and training. |
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1934 Ford Lab Unit #2 |
1937 Standard Aircraft Refueler |
1934 Chevy Stake Truck |