Behind the Scenes When I think of the various die cast toys that I
buy, I am usually focused on the cost, relative rarity, and where to get them. Also, I
look for subjects that parallel my interests. Naturally I care how they look too. But I
don't very often give much thought to how a particular vehicle comes into being. I know
that there are people involved. But it is pretty rare to actually know who they are. While
I did have an opportunity to meet some of the designers from Mattel when I attended the
Hot Wheels convention, I was in a long line of people and did not have a chance to kick
back and really talk. So I was pleased to have an opportunity to spend a couple hours
talking to one designer that is responsible for some of my favorite Hot Wheels Special
I got an e-mail message from Bob Whaley
complimenting me on the web site that I host. He asked about Toy Trader magazine, so I
gave him a call. Little did I know that Bob is responsible for the J.C. Whitney vehicles
that have become such hot collectibles. I would soon learn that Bob has also done some
excellent subjects for other groups. I guess you could say I gave away my enthusiasm by
telling him that of all the "premium" subjects I have seen, the J.C. Whitney ( ) series are my
favorite. The choice of vehicles and design details combine to make vehicles that have
been so popular that they sell out before most people know that they exist. A quick look
at the online auction site, ebay (
), shows how much some of these vehicles are valued by collectors. One aspect of Bob's
work that consistently differentiates his Limiteds from the pack is the presentation. Each
box or blister is unique. The graphics are designed with the collector in mind. It is
always nice to get a new car in a package that is different from the rest and displays
nicely. For my taste, Bob chooses the best cars. They are realistic cars that lend
themselves well to detailing. Since Bob is also a Hot Wheels collector, he knows what
people like and seems very willing to make sure that they get it. Here then is a
description of many of the car variations that Bob has designed and some inside info about
Lexmark Fat Fendered '40
The Fat Fendered '40 is superb. Bob had the car painted with red enamel. The wheels are
white-hubbed Good Year Real Riders. The car is decorated with the Lexmark logo and a
stripe graphic that fades from white to black on both sides and the hood. The back deck of
the car carries the Optra logo, promoting the line of printers by the same name. The
interior is white; the windows clear with the Optra logo on the rear side windows. As with
other FF40's, the base is metal. Bob also had the head and taillights painted. This
attention to detail makes the car so much more realistic than those where the lights are
just painted the body color. Trivia buffs will also want to take note that the gold Hot
Wheels 30th Anniversary logo is on the trunk. The packaging is very clever. It is made to
resemble a Lexmark printer! Inside the box is a pale impression of the Hot Wheels logo.
The box itself has all the significant features of a real Optra printer, complete with
buttons, indicator lights and vents. The top flap of the box is made to look like the
paper output tray with a sheet of paper in it that predictably bears the full-color Hot
Wheels logo.
Lexmark 3-Window '34
One of my all-time favorites, the 3-Window '34 is another winner, in or out of the box. In
the regular Hot Wheels line, many different versions of the 3-Window-34 are popular with
collectors. The most popular are the Real Rider versions, especially the black with flames
and white-hubbed Good Year Real Riders. There were also versions that had a
"Hi-Raker" rear suspension that could be jacked up. This is another casting that
I have tried to acquire in as many variations as possible. I guess when I think of the
classic Hot Rod, this is one of the cars that comes to mind. I expect that Bob knows how
popular this car is. His version is also black with white-hubbed Good Year Real Riders. It
is decorated with the Lexmark logo and a graphic strip that fades from white to red, on
both sides and the hood. The rear of the car is marked with the words "Print
Lexmark". The roof has a red "canvas" panel. It also boasts a window box
that is designed to look like a printer. It is a different type of printer from the Optra.
But it has the same basic features as the package for the Fat Fendered '40.
Lexmark International, Inc., ( ). is a global
developer, manufacturer and supplier of printing solutions and products, including laser,
inkjet and dot matrix printers and associated consumable supplies for the office and home
markets. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Lexmark International Group, Inc.
(NYSE: LXK). Lexmark, which had sales of $2.5 billion in 1997, has executive offices and a
manufacturing center in Lexington, Ky.; other manufacturing centers are in Boulder, Colo.;
Juarez, Mexico; Rosyth, Scotland; Orléans, France and Sydney, Australia. Earlier this
year, Bob was commissioned to provide premiums to Lexmark. He chose to develop Hot Wheels
Special Editions using the Fat Fendered '40 and 3-Window '34. These cars were given away
at Trade Show booths, and will be hard to find since they are not being distributed
through regular outlets.
J.C. Whitney Fat Fendered '40
The Fat Fendered '40 is a nice replica of the 1940 Ford Deluxe Tudor. This casting has
become one of the most popular Hot Wheels subjects. It was first released in 1982 and has
been redone in several different decorations. In both antique car and Hot Rodding circles,
this car is one of the most sought-after. It is metallic blue. The Warshawsky/J.C. Whitney
name is incorporated into red and yellow flame graphics on the sides and roof. It has
transparent blue windows, a red interior, and a metal base. The wheels are the 5-spoke
type found on many "regular" Hot Wheels. The car is packaged inside a window box
that is blue with red and yellow flames. According to the box, there were only 7,000 made.
It continues to be available from various sources although J.C. Whitney sold out shortly
after this piece was released. Originally, it was available from them through a catalog
that was sent to customers in the Chicago area. This accounts for why so many people were
not aware that it was being sold until long after they were gone.
J.C. Whitney '56 Flashsider
This truck was available from J.C. Whitney for free with any purchase or by itself for ten
dollars plus shipping. Another popular casting, this one has been used for other Limited
Editions, as well as in the regular Hot Wheels line. It has been one of my favorites since
it came out in 1991. And when I discovered that it was free with a purchase, I made
several minor purchases from J.C. Whitney in one evening. The next day I got a call from
their credit card fraud investigation unit asking me if I had made the purchases and why I
had done so in the manner that I had. I assured them that indeed I had made the purchases
and had done so that way because I was "getting things for several different people
and wanted to keep the charges separate." Well I could almost hear the raised
eyebrows over the long distance connection. But my orders went through just fine. It would
be the last time that a Hot Wheels was available for free with no limit on the purchase
that was required, but not the end of Hot Wheels from J. C. Whitney. It features a white
enamel paint job. The decoration is the red and blue J.C. Whitney logo. The windows are
light blue chrome. The base is made of chrome-plated plastic. The wheels are chrome
5-spokes. The packaging is interesting because it features a see-through card that allows
viewing of both sides of the truck without removing it from the package.
J.C. Whitney '55 Chevy
As I have said before, there is no shortage of die cast '55 Chevys. Almost every die cast
manufacturer has this car represented. Mattel first produced this casting in 1978. As with
most of their vehicles, they have made good use of the tools and produced many variations.
This car can be found in the regular and Limited Edition lines. Of all the variations
available, these two from J.C. Whitney are arguably the best. There are several features
that distinguish them from the rest. First and foremost is the use of chrome-hubbed Real
Rider tires, made of rubber and embossed with "Good Year" in white.
Historically, these wheels have been linked with some of the most popular versions of Hot
Wheels. They add to the realism even if the cars are not fast on the racetrack. Other
details include painted head and taillights, correct side trim tampos, and two tone paint
schemes. The later even part at the correct place on the body. Bob Whaley owns a '55 Chevy
and was very interested in "doing it right". I would say that they are a success
on that count. There are two versions, one in yellow and white; the other in blue and
white. The yellow one has a black window treatment; the blue has chromed windows. Both
cars come in window boxes that are amber fading to white with tire tracks running
diagonally across them.
J.C. Whitney VW Bus
If there were a single casting that has caused more scurrying around by collectors, it
would have to be the VW Bus. Introduced to the Hot Wheels line in 1996 as part of the
First Editions series, it immediately became the most sought-after casting being made.
People have gone to great lengths and considerable expense to find one. I personally took
a trip to Toronto Canada to visit one of my collector friends. Although the trip was
largely motivated by a desire to take some time off from work, the fact that my friend had
a couple VW Buses there waiting for me was no small motivation. My wife was very
frustrated when, upon our arrival, and with greetings dispensed, I asked about the
"Buses". The next day, my friend and I went on the road looking for more. After
visiting every known outlet of Hot Wheels in the greater Toronto area, we decided to
abandon the search and head home. But along the way we passed another store that promised
some hope. The stop paid off and we left with six VW Buses, much to the chagrin of the
person who got to the store right after we did. I should quickly add that we split them
between us. I traded two of mine for other cars that I was having trouble getting, and
kept one to open. All that aside, I was pleased to learn that J.C. Whitney would continue
their Hot Wheels offerings with this car. I was not disappointed when it showed up in the
mailbox. It has a black nose and fades to white at the back. The body is highlighted with
a red nose that turns into a stripe that runs lengthwise from front to rear. Again, the
J.C. Whitney/Warshawsky logo is printed on the side and on the rear spoiler. The head,
tail and parking lights are painted; the VW emblem is highlighted in white. The interior
is red. The bottom edge and spoiler of the car are painted silver. Like the other versions
of this casting, the front wheels are chrome five spoke. The rear wheels are large slicks
formerly used on some of the dragsters in the Hot Wheels line. The body flips up like a
funny car. The windows are clear and the base is made of metal. It has been said that this
is one of the heaviest Hot Wheels ever made. I get the impression that this car will be
used over and over again to advertise products and services. The sides are large and flat,
lending to many uses where clear printing is needed.
J.C. Whitney Scorchin' Scooter
Maybe I should have thought twice before giving the VW Bus credit for being the hottest
with collectors. Surely the Scorchin' Scooter has achieved equal status. It was introduced
as part of the 1997 First Editions series. It is the first motorcycle produced by Mattel
for some time. Previously, two moto-cross bikes were done but quickly discontinued. The
Scorchin' Scooter is a stylized depiction of a custom motorcycle. It has black fenders and
gas tank with a red outline surrounding a silver inset. The engine is reasonably detailed
and made of metal. The handlebars and front suspension is made of gray plastic. The front
wheel is unique to this casting. The rear wheel is identical to the rear wheels on the
back of the VW Bus. One would not expect this bike to be large enough to be used for
advertising but indeed, the J.C. Whitney logo fits nicely on the gas tank. The seat is
painted dark gray and the gas caps are silver. The taillight is painted red and outlined
in silver. The Hot Wheels logo is printed on the front fender. The numberplate reads
"TMBW1", probably an acronym that stands for "TradeMark Bob Whaley 1".
Just a hunch. It comes in a window box decorated with a desert scene and the J.C. Whitney
J.C. Whitney VW Bug
I don't recall if I ever mentioned that one of the themes that I collect is Volkswagen
Beetles. Because of that, I have a large collection of Bugs from many different companies
that have accumulated over the years. Basically, if it is a Bug, I buy it. Some that I
have found are really pretty bad. Others are incredibly lifelike. The Hot Wheels VW Bug
casting falls somewhere in between. It certainly is one of the best proportioned, but it
is not very detailed. Notwithstanding, I have tried to get every variation of this casting
that I can lay my hands on. Over the years I have gotten most, if not all of them.
Unfortunately, the decoration in the regular line have gotten more and more toy-like. So
along comes Bob Whaley and J.C. Whitney to the rescue. Here we have the "Son of
SEMA" Bug. When I talked to Bob he told me that he was inspired to produce a version
of the Bug that took after the hard-to-find promotional that was given away at the Vegas
show. Collectors of Hot Wheels and VW Bugs in general will recall that the SEMA Bug was
black with gray hubbed Real Riders. Bob gave this one a similarly simple design - red with
chrome hubbed Real Riders, and silver trim details. Even the small VW crest found on the
cowl area is there, along with the horn grills above the front fenders and painted
taillights. The windows are clear and the interior black. The numberplate is yellow and
has "RW 1" on it. Bob tells me that he could not resist putting his initials on
there. The base is metal. Overall, I like this version better than the SEMA bug because it
has detailing and, being a lighter color, is more pleasant to look at. Thankfully, it does
not have any advertising copy on the sides. The packaging is clever too. In addition to
the Hot Wheels and J.C. Whitney logos it has a picture of a suburban house with a white
picket fence, blue sky with white puffy clouds. I almost wonder if it might not be a
picture of Bob's house?
J.C. Whitney Baja Bug
Continuing with the VW Bug theme, J. C. Whitney did an excellent rendition of the Baja
Bug. It is basically the same as the Real Rider version that was done in the regular Hot
Wheels line several years back. Once again, Bob took the time to have the headlights and
taillights painted. He chose white hubbed Real Riders, knobby on the back and smooth on
the front. It is painted a pale yellow and has the J.C. Whitney logo on the sides and Hot
Wheels logo on the front. The interior is blue and there are no windows. The base is
metal. The package is a regular-sized blister but has a scene showing a desert somewhere
in the southwestern U.S. The choice of colors and the packaging combine to make this a
beautiful item to display in the package.
Here is some information about the J.C. Whitney and Lexmark Special Editions.
Catalog Number |
Promotes |
Description |
Value |
baggie |
J.C. Whitney |
'32 Ford Delivery |
50 |
15022 |
J.C. Whitney |
Fat Fendered '40 |
60 |
15025 |
J.C. Whitney |
'56 Flashider |
31 |
15922 |
J.C. Whitney |
'55 Chevy (yellow/white) |
30 |
16812 |
J.C. Whitney |
'55 Chevy (blue/white) |
30 |
16956 |
J.C. Whitney |
VW Bus |
80 |
18590 |
J.C. Whitney |
Scorchin' Scooter |
40 |
18669 |
J.C. Whitney |
VW Bug |
20 |
18672 |
J.C. Whitney |
Ford F150 |
25 |
18671 |
J.C. Whitney |
Hot Rod CustomVan |
30 |
18673 |
J.C. Whitney |
Roll Patrol |
20 |
18670 |
J.C. Whitney |
Baja Bug |
30 |
J.C. Whitney |
'40 Ford Pick Up |
25 |
20813 |
Lexmark |
Fat Fendered '40 |
30 |
20814 |
Lexmark |
3-Window '34 |
30 |
22078 |
Lexmark |
Passion |
30 |
21337 |
Chicagoland Toys for Tots |
Scorchin' Scooter |
30 |
Lexmark |
3-Window '34 |
40 |
Lexmark |
Mustang |
40 |
J.C. Whitney |
'40 Woodie |
25 |
Toy Shop |
'32 Ford |
25 |
Toy Cars & Vehicles |
'65 Mustang Convertible |
25 |
Toy Cars & Vehicles |
'70 Plymouth Barracuda |
25 |
23529 |
J.C. Whitney |
Scorchin' Scooter |
25 |
23537 |
Lexmark |
Chevelle SS |
25 |
23538 |
Lexmark |
25 |
24877 |
Toys For Tots |
Scorchin Scooter |
25 |
Protective Packaging

One of the problems that plagues collectors that care about the condition of the packages
is how easy it is to get creases, scratches, dust and dirt permanently gracing them. It is
hard enough to find good mint packages at stores. The next hurdle is getting out of the
store with them intact. Now I have made fun of keeping cars in the packages, and I open
most of my purchases, albeit quite carefully. But I have irritated and confounded more
than one store clerk at checkout time by insisting that I be allowed to stack my packages
into the plastic bag while they ring them up. My wife has applied for the next open spot
at the asylum, but I do it anyway. But once I get home it is not over. Now I need to
catalog the cars and find a way to store or display them without causing further damage.
There are, fortunately, a number of
products that are available to solve my problem (no I will not be cured of this die cast
disease, but at least my display problems are now in control). One that I really like is a
clear plastic shell that fits perfectly over the front of the blister pack and has a
snap-on cover for the back. In addition, there is a nice cutout at the top that makes it
possible to hand the whole thing by a push pin or other such device. These have been
available for Hot Wheels for some time but were too small to fit my Racing Champions
blisters. But I just found some nice ones from Dave at Name of the Game/ProTech in Walnut
California that are perfect for the job. They are a great improvement over the early ones
I got for my Hot Wheels. The plastic is thicker and the back cover snaps more positively
in place. They also have a little protrusion on the bottom so the whole thing can be stood
up. They are stackable so they would work for storage too. I do not think they are
watertight so I still plan to take precautions against moisture, mold and mildew. But
these are great for the compulsive caretaker of die cast in packages and are worth a
look-see! Mine were supplied by David at Name of the Game/Protech in Walnut California.
M. Provencher

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