It was almost the anniversary of the cutting of our last Christmas tree.
The weather was incredibly nice out (60-degrees and then some) and it
made perfect sense to go get the tree. We were so pleased with our
experience last year at King Trees that we didn't even think for a
minute that we'd go anywhere else.

Before we left to go get the tree we took a ride to Lowe's and bought a
few things. Tree food, a wire protector (for the cord that we
expect to have running across the floor in the foyer, and so other odds
and ends - like Poinsettias, candles, etc. After that we drove
back to the house and swapped the Cherokee for the Wrangler and then hit
the road for King Trees.
Since I had spent so much time cleaning up the Jeep and there was still
some fresh paint on the bumpers and things, I decided to skip the
overland route this year. This saved us some time and we reached
the tree farm very quickly. The early afternoon light was very
nice and the temperature was so comfortable it felt more like late
spring than early winter.
We drove into the front yard and were greeted by the same young lady we
met last year. She offered us a saw, their hospitality, and free
run of the farm. We went in further and wandered around several
fields of trees.

found several candidates but wanted something rather large and full.
Maria had expressed an interest in a 10-foot tree for the foyer.
Most that we saw were close to the edges of the fields so had one side
or another that was stunted. They would work well for a corner but
not for the middle of a large room where all sides of the tree would
show. We did find one tree that was perfect but it had already
been tagged by another family so it was to go home with them later.
We found a couple more candidates but wanted to be sure we had checked
all the fields. I drove through the woods for a ways and we
enjoyed the softness of the afternoon light coming through the trees as
we drove on a road covered with fallen leaves and pine needles.
The road more or less ended in an area that reminds me very much of my
grandfathers woodlot. But the road did not lead to another field
of trees so we backtracked and took the last road we knew to the upper
field most distant from the farm.

We got out of the Jeep and wandered around the field of trees.
There were several wonderful trees that were nicely formed but few that
met the height requirement.

Maria and the kids found an eight-foot tree that was easily twice as big
around as it was tall. They dubbed it "The Fat Tree" and voted
three to my one that we should get that tree. It was a nice tree
but I was still holding on to the original requirement of a ten-foot
tree and still hoped for one that was symmetrical and without major
gaps. I asked for a few more minutes to continue the search for
the one.
Then I found it. It was about 12-feet tall and was well filled in
all the way around. There were no major gaps; the trunk was quite
straight; the shape was symmetrical. I had found "The Tree".

brought the Jeep down to the tree, which fortunately was near the edge
of the field. I got my bow saw and
was soon cutting down the tree.

must confess that it pains me to cut down such beautiful trees. I
think next year we will need to start earlier and find a tree that can
be brought home alive and planted after we decorate and celebrate.
We did that once and it was much more satisfying.
With the deed done, I put the tree up on the rack and lashed it
temporarily for the drive to level ground.

Once back on the top of the field, I secured to
the rack the tree with three large,
heavy-duty shock cords.

The kids played in the field and posed for a picture.

When the tree was tied down well I took a picture of the crew.

We stopped at the farm yard to pay for the tree, and then drove the
short distance home.

There, I made a straight cut on the bottom of the tree, installed the
tree stand, and then brought the tree into the foyer and stood it up.

Tom and Ted seem pleased...

Maria likes it...

The kids set up a little tree Maria bought for them and have it in their


