We were unbelievably busy, and before I knew
it, the cold weather and snow had arrived. This was a
setback because it was too cold to remove the top and do
everything associated with the task. I usually touch up
the roof rack and the armor. Painting in freezing cold and
wet isn't a very easy task so November and most of December
slipped by with the soft top staying on the Jeep.
I took some time off after Christmas and
luckily one of those days was in the '70's and sunny.
After lunch I cleared out the garage and removed the soft top.
Then I rolled the Jeep into the garage and dropped the hard top
down in place.
It's the same exact ritual as
previous years. The
hardtop hoist has been one of the best little things I every
put together. The top hung from the ceiling all summer and
came right down when I was ready for it.
Once back out in the yard I took stock of the
touch up tasks. I sanded a couple spots where the paint
had flaked off the top and then sprayed it with the usual truck
bed paint I use. Next, with the roof rack propped up, I
touched up the spots that needed attention and reconnected the
CB leads.
With the rack back in place, I touched up the
rest of the rack, skid plates, bumpers and the hardtop itself.
Black is easy to match...
The kids helped me shuffle the garage contents
back and forth and kept me company during the other things.
It's always nice to have them helping!

(The "Family" Photo...)