Campsite |
tent |
Spare tent Stakes
& Poles |
Sleeping Bags |
Sleeping Bag Mats |
Air Mattress and Pump |
Camp Chair |
Folding table |
Fire Extinguisher |
Lantern |
Tarp |
Day Pack |
Pillow |
Kitchen |
Stove |
Stove fuel |
Matches |
Dish pan |
Dish detergent |
Coffee pot |
Mess Kit |
Pot Scrubber |
Cook Kit |
Cooking fork, tongs,
spatula |
Salt and Pepper
shakers |
Grill top |
Charcoal |
Fire Starter |
& Health Aids |
First Aid Kit |
Insect Repellant |
Hat |
Sun Screen |
Lip Balm |
Sewing Kit |
Canteen |
Map |
Compass |
Binoculars |
Emergency Blanket |
Signal Whistle |
Sunglasses |
Bandanna |
Rain Gear |
scissors |
Advil, Tylenol,
Aspirin |
Axe |
Saw |
Pocket knife |
Hammer |
Whisk Broom |
Flashlight |
spare batteries &
bulb |
Rope and clothespins |
Fishing Rod and tackle |
Other sporting gear
(Jeep®) |
Camera and film |
Butane gas lighter |
Shovel |
Paper towels |
Napkins |
Water Container |
Cooler |
Insulated Jug |
Can opener/Bottle
Opener |
Aluminum Foil |
Pot Holders |
Knives, Forks, Spoons |
Serving Spoons |
Measuring Cups |
Storage Containers |
Plastic Mugs |
Garbage Bags |
Bath |
Toothbrush |
Toothbrush container |
Toothpaste |
Soap |
Soap Container |
Shampoo |
Deodorant |
Toilet Paper |
Wash Basin |
Mirror |
Towels |
Skin creme |
razor and shaving
cream |
hair brush |
nail clippers |