July 18, 2004 - Trail
Guide Meeting, Drive Home
Mercifully, Sunday did not pose any great demands on us other than a
Trail Guide meeting at 9:00am to take care of business and to hold a
drawing to give away the used winches from the event, and other trinkets
that were left behind from the week.
Running late, and seeing Carl up ahead on Route 29, I was driving a
little over the speed limit to catch up and make the meeting on time.
Shortly after passing Carl, he came on the CB and said something to the
effect of "You have a police car with lights on behind you..."
Great... So I pulled over and fished my license and registration
out. I had resigned myself to a getting a ticket and wasn't really
expecting to discuss it.
Much to my surprise and relief, the officer was very pleasant, told me
how fast he clocked me at (71) and asked if I would stay under 55 if he
let me go with a warning. Hell no! Give me the ticket please,
I want to keep on speeding! Yeah right, like I would ever have the
nerve to say something like that to a police officer... So I agreed
to go slower and he let me go with a verbal warning, saying "Everyone at
Camp Jeep was so good, I'm going to let you go with a warning."
Trail Guide Meeting
We were only a few minutes away from the muster field and we got there
in plenty of time to get seated and be part of the meeting. They
passed out checks and then started by giving away the winches. Pete
(OCC) won one of the winches, Carl won a detailing kit (perfect item for
Carl) and I got a Camp Jeep 2004 hat. Many people got the car flags
and other little doo-dads.

The meeting was finished up pretty quickly and we hit the road for home
a little after 10:00am. It was somewhat anticlimactic after a week
of wheeling and all the other excitement. But it was nice to finally
be headed for home.
Our drive up to Charlottesville was punctuated by lots of other Jeeps
on the road. We stopped for lunch just north of Charlottesville.
Then we made serious tracks for home, crossing Whites Ferry and getting to
the house a little after 3:00. What a long week! I'm selling
my Jeep and never going 4-Wheeling again! NOT!
It was a great week. We worked hard and played hard. The
kids had a blast and so did I. I can't say if I would do it again -
it really was a little too much in many ways, and not altogether
satisfying to a jaded car-show guy like me. But for anyone who wants
to know if they should go, I would say "Yes", you need to go to
at least
one Camp Jeep. There isn't anything else like it in the whole
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 | Day 4 |
Day 5|
Day 6
Timeline |
Day Date |
Event |
Location |
Event Time |
Duration |
Sunday 7/18/04 |
Trail Guide Meeting |
Start |
(Hotel departure) |
7:42:31 |
Traffic Stop |
8:58:08 |
Resume |
8:59:05 |
0:00:57 |
Start |
Arrive Muster Field |
9:03:35 |
End |
Leave Muster Field |
10:19:54 |
1:16:19 |
Arrive Brunch |
11:06:31 |
Depart Brunch |
11:59:32 |
0:53:01 |
Arrive Fuel |
13:19:38 |
Depart Fuel |
13:24:51 |
0:05:13 |
Arrive Whites Ferry |
14:01:58 |
Depart Whites Ferry |
14:17:28 |
0:15:30 |
Arrive Home |
15:04:50 |
4:44:56 |
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 | Day 4 |
Day 5|
Day 6