Trip to Maryland
We got up early again and
ate a great breakfast that Leo cooked for us. We discussed the plan for driving home
and agreed to take Route 84 out of Hartford and follow it all the way to Route
81 in Pennsylvania. From there, JJ planned to pick up Route 83
nearby and dump out onto the Baltimore Beltway and head for points south and
home. We were shooting for the fewest possible stops, bypassing all the toll booths
and potential traffic snarls on Route 95 and the New Jersey Turnpike.
JJ took a look at his fan,
radiator and support systems in the light of dawn and the garage security light.

When he was satisfied (well,
satisfied that it really was hosed...), we started our early morning drive on Route
202 heading towards Quabbin Reservoir and Amherst.

Road Trip Home - Route 202
The trip was pretty
uneventful. We didn't hit any snags, and aside from one stop where we tried to force
more air through the radiator, we didn't have any problems. It reminded me of the
many trips I took with various cars that had cooling problems. JJ kept his distance
from large vehicles, ran his heat, and kept his speed down. Those things pretty much
helped to prevent a problem, though he did run between 220 and 240 degrees F all the way.
Hopefully he can get his fan replaced under warrantee and there was no permanent
damage to the engine.
Finally, we reached the Route
81 and soon after that, Route 83. I decided to stay with him until I
branched off onto Route 70. I must say that the extra distance on the road
was offset by the lack of tolls and relatively light traffic. I may have to look
into traveling this way again. When I parted company with JJ, he was doing
fine. He called later to say that he had gotten home under his own power. I am
sure he will be wrenching on his Jeep in the near future, but I am glad that it was not on
the way home from the trip!

JJ on Route 695 Near Baltimore
I'm not sure what's left to
say about this trip that hasn't already been said. We got in and out and didn't lose
anybody. We had some carnage but it was very minor and we were not slowed by it in
the least. I can only speak for myself when I say that I had a good time.
There were some "moments" but I am sure that we will remember them as well as
the good times, once we put some time behind us.
I wish I could say that
"Next year, Deeps Woods Expedition will go out again and it will be better
than this year." But I don't yet know where we might go. Moab?
Rubicon? New Brunswick? The Everglades? ???
Watch this space