This was strictly a travel day. I
didn't even take the camera out because the steering wheel left my hands
only long enough to get food and fuel!
We checked out of the hotel at around
8:00AM, and had breakfast at the local Panera from 8:15AM to 8:40AM.
Then we got gas and hit the road at 8:51AM.
We stopped for lunch from 12:08PM to 12:50
at Bob Evans in Huntersville, NC.
We made a fuel stop in Statesville, NC at
the Tomlin Mill One Stop at about 1:25PM (16.280 gallons).
With all that boring stuff we had to make a
fun stop so we hit the "DQ" at 2PM near Elkin, NC.
Another fuel stop in Princeton, WV 3:34PM
(8.161 gallons) completed our feeding of the Commander for the trip.
We stopped for something at McDonalds at
5:18PM in Summersville, WV.
After that it was pedal to the metal,
landing on our doorstep at 7:22 PM. The earliest day in since we left!